
Using CUDA Graphs in PyTorch C++ API


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NVIDIA’s CUDA Graphs have been a part of CUDA Toolkit library since the release of version 10. They are capable of greatly reducing the CPU overhead increasing the performance of applications.

In this tutorial, we will be focusing on using CUDA Graphs for C++ frontend of PyTorch. The C++ frontend is mostly utilized in production and deployment applications which are important parts of PyTorch use cases. Since the first appearance the CUDA Graphs won users’ and developer’s hearts for being a very performant and at the same time simple-to-use tool. In fact, CUDA Graphs are used by default in torch.compile of PyTorch 2.0 to boost the productivity of training and inference.

We would like to demonstrate CUDA Graphs usage on PyTorch’s MNIST example. The usage of CUDA Graphs in LibTorch (C++ Frontend) is very similar to its Python counterpart but with some differences in syntax and functionality.

Getting Started

The main training loop consists of the several steps and depicted in the following code chunk:

for (auto& batch : data_loader) {
  auto data =;
  auto targets =;
  auto output = model.forward(data);
  auto loss = torch::nll_loss(output, targets);

The example above includes a forward pass, a backward pass, and weight updates.

In this tutorial, we will be applying CUDA Graph on all the compute steps through the whole-network graph capture. But before doing so, we need to slightly modify the source code. What we need to do is preallocate tensors for reusing them in the main training loop. Here is an example implementation:

torch::TensorOptions FloatCUDA =
torch::TensorOptions LongCUDA =

torch::Tensor data = torch::zeros({kTrainBatchSize, 1, 28, 28}, FloatCUDA);
torch::Tensor targets = torch::zeros({kTrainBatchSize}, LongCUDA);
torch::Tensor output = torch::zeros({1}, FloatCUDA);
torch::Tensor loss = torch::zeros({1}, FloatCUDA);

for (auto& batch : data_loader) {
  training_step(model, optimizer, data, targets, output, loss);

Where training_step simply consists of forward and backward passes with corresponding optimizer calls:

void training_step(
    Net& model,
    torch::optim::Optimizer& optimizer,
    torch::Tensor& data,
    torch::Tensor& targets,
    torch::Tensor& output,
    torch::Tensor& loss) {
  output = model.forward(data);
  loss = torch::nll_loss(output, targets);

PyTorch’s CUDA Graphs API is relying on Stream Capture which in our case would be used like this:

at::cuda::CUDAGraph graph;
at::cuda::CUDAStream captureStream = at::cuda::getStreamFromPool();

training_step(model, optimizer, data, targets, output, loss);

Before the actual graph capture, it is important to run several warm-up iterations on side stream to prepare CUDA cache as well as CUDA libraries (like CUBLAS and CUDNN) that will be used during the training:

at::cuda::CUDAStream warmupStream = at::cuda::getStreamFromPool();
for (int iter = 0; iter < num_warmup_iters; iter++) {
  training_step(model, optimizer, data, targets, output, loss);

After the successful graph capture, we can replace training_step(model, optimizer, data, targets, output, loss); call via graph.replay(); to do the training step.

Training Results

Taking the code for a spin we can see the following output from ordinary non-graphed training:

$ time ./mnist
Train Epoch: 1 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.3921
Test set: Average loss: 0.2051 | Accuracy: 0.938
Train Epoch: 2 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.1826
Test set: Average loss: 0.1273 | Accuracy: 0.960
Train Epoch: 3 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.1796
Test set: Average loss: 0.1012 | Accuracy: 0.968
Train Epoch: 4 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.1603
Test set: Average loss: 0.0869 | Accuracy: 0.973
Train Epoch: 5 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.2315
Test set: Average loss: 0.0736 | Accuracy: 0.978
Train Epoch: 6 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0511
Test set: Average loss: 0.0704 | Accuracy: 0.977
Train Epoch: 7 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0802
Test set: Average loss: 0.0654 | Accuracy: 0.979
Train Epoch: 8 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0774
Test set: Average loss: 0.0604 | Accuracy: 0.980
Train Epoch: 9 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0669
Test set: Average loss: 0.0544 | Accuracy: 0.984
Train Epoch: 10 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0219
Test set: Average loss: 0.0517 | Accuracy: 0.983

real    0m44.287s
user    0m44.018s
sys    0m1.116s

While the training with the CUDA Graph produces the following output:

$ time ./mnist --use-train-graph
Train Epoch: 1 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.4092
Test set: Average loss: 0.2037 | Accuracy: 0.938
Train Epoch: 2 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.2039
Test set: Average loss: 0.1274 | Accuracy: 0.961
Train Epoch: 3 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.1779
Test set: Average loss: 0.1017 | Accuracy: 0.968
Train Epoch: 4 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.1559
Test set: Average loss: 0.0871 | Accuracy: 0.972
Train Epoch: 5 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.2240
Test set: Average loss: 0.0735 | Accuracy: 0.977
Train Epoch: 6 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0520
Test set: Average loss: 0.0710 | Accuracy: 0.978
Train Epoch: 7 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0935
Test set: Average loss: 0.0666 | Accuracy: 0.979
Train Epoch: 8 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0744
Test set: Average loss: 0.0603 | Accuracy: 0.981
Train Epoch: 9 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0762
Test set: Average loss: 0.0547 | Accuracy: 0.983
Train Epoch: 10 [59584/60000] Loss: 0.0207
Test set: Average loss: 0.0525 | Accuracy: 0.983

real    0m6.952s
user    0m7.048s
sys    0m0.619s


As we can see, just by applying a CUDA Graph on the MNIST example we were able to gain the performance by more than six times for training. This kind of large performance improvement was achievable due to the small model size. In case of larger models with heavy GPU usage, the CPU overhead is less impactful so the improvement will be smaller. Nevertheless, it is always advantageous to use CUDA Graphs to gain the performance of GPUs.

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